I feel exactly what Bobby has expressed...DITTO!! I keep praying for God to remove this vile hateful evil that has turned our lives into a 1950s horror film! I am consumed with unexplainable fear, worry and confusion....how can this be? Why is this happening? Who will protect us? Why do doors of opportunities for evil keep opening for this president and his enablers??! Will we be able to trust the outcome of the election? Will he unleash Qanon in us all if he loses? If so, what force will be able to stop them? I mean, I had no idea that hate could go this deep ...! I almost wish that every person of color could be given a year to move away from this country to find a new home where peace abounds! Let the vile white supremacists have this country...then, once they discover that they were made fools of, they’d turn on themselves and destroy the very things they worshipped, soon to realize how empty and soulless they are. They wouldn’t have us to blame anymore. It reminds me of the film “The Lion King,” where SCAR killed his brother, took the land and abused it; giving the greedy hyenas control and they destroyed the land, leaving nothing to eat, harvest, grow, build upon! It took a true savior to return to destroy SCAR and give the land back to the true chosen people!!

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We share similar feelings!

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We spoke briefly this week and I confessed to you that I'm struggling with my faith this year more than I've ever struggled before. I'm struggling for all the reasons you describe in this message. I'm not in a dark place, I haven't been a victim to policing, but I see all the things that are being done to our people and other people of color. I've been struggling more than ever before because I've observed Christians (or so called Christians) turn the other way as he says and does things that don't seem to be Christian. Thank you for this, thank you for being you and thank you for your presence in my life and others. You are a blessing and I love you and your family for all that you do.

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Bobby, I hear you. It is like walking through a wilderness. The heaviness of this time is real and deep. We have a president who is in my mind the embodiment of evil. But we have to stay the course. We have to stay strong. Our strenght will be in our unity. Good people who hate where this country has been going for the last 4 years must connect and fight to take this country in a better direction. Be well young Brother and we will talk.

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